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Concerns and Misconceptions Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood banking is a lifesaving choice that ensures your child’s future health and wellbeing. You need to make the correct decision and choose a reliable bank weeks before your delivery date. This necessitates that you undertake thorough research and arm yourself with factual information.

Unfortunately, when it comes to medical and health-related subjects, people find many unauthentic and unreliable sources of information on the internet. Also, we hear numerous myths and misinformation from our neighbors, friends, and even family members about cord blood banking prices, benefits, and procedures. They may mean no harm, but they are limited by their little knowledge of these medical issues.

As a parent, you want the best care for your little one. Hence, it is essential to update yourself with all the knowledge about cord blood banking before making a choice. Let us discuss some of the misconceptions related to cord blood banking.

Misconception 1: It intervenes with the delivery process.

Cord blood banking does not interfere with the delivery process in any way. The blood is collected from the umbilical cord. However, this is done post-delivery after the umbilical cord is clamped and cut.

Traditionally Umbilical cord after childbirth was discarded as medical waste. However, now it is frozen and preserved. The process is painless, non-invasive, and safe for normal deliveries as well as C-sections.

Misconception 2: cord blood banking can only help your newborn in case of medical emergencies.

Cord blood banking can be helpful for your baby in case of any future ailments. However, it can be used by their siblings and other family members as well.

If you have a family history of cancer or other ailments, it is advisable to get your newborn’s stem cell banked with a reliable private bank. Also, if you have a family member or another child suffering from a disease where a stem cell transfusion can be helpful, you must bank your child’s cord blood.

Misconception 3: cord blood banking is still in its experimental phase.

Many people believe that cord blood banking is still in its initial experimental stages. However, this is not true. The first cord blood transfusion was performed way back in 1988.

Since then, it has been widely accepted as a source of stem cells for blood transplants. To date, 30000 stem cells transfusion has been done worldwide, and 60000 stem cells have been preserved to be used in future transfusions.

Cord blood can help in treating 80 rare diseases that include blood, bone, and immune-related disease. It can treat leukemia, sickle cell anemia, lymphoma, etc.

Also, researchers and scientists across the globe are conducting numerous clinical trials to understand the potential of these cells in treating incurable diseases like cerebral palsy, Autism, type 1 diabetes, etc.

Misconception 4: All cord blood banks are the same.

People think that all cord blood banks are the same and they deliver similar services. Hence, they base their final decision on cord blood banking prices. However, the cord blood banks differ in the quality of their service.

You need to be careful when choosing the private cord blood bank for your child’s stem cells. The bank should be accredited and licensed to provide cord blood banking services. The cord blood bank should also have the experience and a proven track record of successful transfusions.

Misconceptions 5: The public cord blood banks can provide them with the stem cells when required.

The public cord blood banks accept your child’s cord blood as a donation, and the cord blood banking prices are nil. Your child’s cord blood can save a potentials match’s life.

The stem cells can also be used for research purposes. The blood is not stored for you exclusively, and you will not be able to use this blood in case of future emergencies.

These are some of the misconceptions surrounding cord blood banking. Now that you are aware of these myths, you can choose stem cell banking based on the right information.

How Long Does Boric Acid Take to Cure BV?

Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis. As a home remedy and over-the-counter treatment, boric acid for BV is also in practice for over a hundred years.

Boric acid for BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) can be an irksome condition for women. It is often accompanied by smelly discharge, pain and burning sensation while urinating, and itching near the vaginal part. The condition arises due to the imbalance in the vaginal bacterial culture.

The practice of using boric acid for BV is not new. It has been a trusted home remedy to gain relief from persistent BV. However, boric acid is not the first line of defence. One should resort to the boric acid for BV treatment only after the completion of the regular antibiotic course.

Besides, boric acid is suggested only in recurrent cases where the infection seems to be persistent.

How to use boric acid for BV?

Boric acid is available over the counter in the form of gelatin capsules. The powder is stuffed in a gelatin capsule which must be inserted into the vagina.

One important note about using boric acid to find relief from BV is – it should never be taken orally. Boric acid can be dangerous when orally ingested. Also, remember to keep the capsules away from pets and kids.

How long does it take to find relief from BV with boric acid?

There is no conclusive time frame about the usage of boric acid for BV. Different studies reveal different results.

In one study, women who used boric acid along with antibiotics gained relief in 6 weeks. While in other, the time duration was 8 weeks.

Another test finds no much visible difference when boric acid was used for more than 3 weeks.

How to use boric acid for gaining relief from Bacterial vaginosis (BV)?

Complete the schedule of antibiotics that your doctor prescribed to you as a part of the BV treatment. Later you may add BV gelatin capsules to your routine.

You can obtain the BV capsules OTC or make them at home.

To prepare boric acid capsules at home:

Fill gelatin 00 size capsules with boric acid. Close the capsule and insert it in the vagina. Remember that the dosage of BV per day should not exceed 600 milligrams per day.

To make sure that the capsule is inserted properly into the vagina, follow the instructions given here:

• Clean your hands thoroughly and hold the capsule in one hand.

• Lie down back and bend your legs, and spread them apart.

• Slowly and gently insert the capsule into the vagina. Ensure it reaches the inner part of the vagina.

• Lie for some time to let the capsule discharge the medicine into the vagina completely.

• Most boric acid for BV kits come with an applicator to hold the capsule for insertion. You may use that or your hands as per your comfort.

Tips to remember while using Boric acid for BV:

• Never exceed the dosage of BV to gain immediate or faster relief.

• Never ingest BV in any form.

• BV can cause excessive discharge that can smell foul. Use panty liners or replace underwear frequently to avoid the inconvenience of a fishy smell.

• In general, BV capsules are safe for usage. In case of any rash, irritation, or abnormal discharge, stop the treatment and consult your doctor immediately.

• BV capsules can be toxic to the fetus, and hence pregnant women should not use them.

• Sometimes, the relief can be visible in two days. However, complete the course of BV to treat the infection fully and prevent the recurrence.

• Always purchase BV capsules and gelatin caps, and powder (if you want to make capsules at home) from quality pharmacies.

• Avoid sex or oral sex for up to 48 hours after inserting the BV capsule. Remember, boric acid can be lethal if consumed orally.

• Intake a diet rich in probiotics to nourish vaginal bacteria naturally. Consider incorporating yogurt more in the diet.


Boric acid is a proven relief from BV. It is a safe OTC medication for many women. Use the treatment as per the dosage and for the whole term. In case of any abnormal discharge, pain, or irritation after inserting BV capsules, discontinue the usage and seek medical aid immediately.

Different Types of Laser Hair Removal and Some Important Concerns

Laser hair removal treatment has gained immense popularity in the last few years. People are applying this aesthetic method to get rid of unwanted body hair. Removing surplus hair is not only a time-taking task, but it needs care in regular intervals. Additionally, your skin might get bruised, and you can notice patches all over your skin.

But if you select the services of the best Pittsburgh laser hair removal clinic, you will get an effective and hassle-free hair removal facility without bruises and patches. So, if you are fed up with waxing, tweezing, or shaving to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal is the most beneficial choice for you. Laser hair removal has several types. Below, we have discussed the types of laser hair removal treatments and their working method.

1. Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal

It is one of the most preferred hairs removal types. It uses a 755 nm wavelength and is the fastest laser hair removal treatment of all people having light skin tones, freckled skin, and albino skin. This process can cover a broader skin area, and you will feel no pain because of the penetration rate and shorter wavelength. But remember that it is ineffective in dark skins.

2. Ruby Laser Hair Removal

It is the first hair removal treatment and is slower than the others. Though it is ineffective on darker and coarser hair, it is desirable for light skin and lighter hair. It applies a 694 nm wavelength and damages the hair follicles without harming the surrounding tissues of the skin. It offers long-term hair-free solutions. Together with the built-in cooling system, it constantly cools your skin and provides a painless hair removal experience.

3. Diode Laser Hair Removal

The clinics for laser hair removal in Pittsburgh implement the Diode laser hair removal method with Alexandrite. It operates at a wavelength of 800 – 810nm for deeper skin penetration. Anyone with medium-dark skin tones and coarse hair might find it beneficial. As a result, it is popular among men as it effectively removes back and chest hair. On top of that, it can also cover a large area of the body.

4. Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal

As the name suggests, it is not a laser but a light that damages hair follicles like laser hair removal treatments. IPL is highly customizable as anyone can adjust its power levels and wavelengths as per their hair type and skin tone. As a result, this method is more flexible than the rest and can cover large skin areas without damaging the surrounding tissues.

5. Nd: YAG Laser Hair Removal

The advent of technology has developed this advanced method and can work best on course and with thicker hair and people with darker skin. It operates at wavelengths of 1064nm in a dual-frequency mode that generates light at 532 nm wavelength. As a result, with a deeper penetration range, it can reach the bottom of the root of your hair to kill it forever. But due to the high wavelength, it is slightly uncomfortable and painful than the other types.

Some Important Concerns

Besides knowing the above types, you need to know a few aspects before opting for laser hair removal treatment. They are as follows.

Will the treatment remove the hair forever?

Laser hair removal therapy can reduce hair density or remove unwanted hair permanently. But if you have grey hairs, no laser therapy is effective. Both are dependable on the following factors.

• The tone and thickness of the hair

• The skin color

• The type of laser hair removal method

• The professionalism of the laser operator

How many sessions do you need to attend?

The number of sessions you will need depends on your skin and hair type. People with dark hair will need to attend 4-6 treatments every 4-6 weeks, and people with fair hair will require 6-12 treatments a month apart.

Five Things to Consider Before Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants – A Beneficial Dental Treatment

Dental implanting has become a commonplace dental treatment. This treatment is for restoring the missing teeth, which will become a permanent solution as regards removable dentures. Besides, the smile makeover is a handy practical thing that all will appreciate. Dental implants are capable of supporting numerous dental prostheses. This treatment will bring boost up the self-confidence of the individual concerned as it will restore the lost facial beauty. It’s quite natural that human teeth may suffer numerous types of damages because of old age, inadequate cleaning of teeth and gums, and accidents that can happen at any time. Consequent to teeth damage and teeth loss, the shape of the jaw will become abnormal. Tooth implanting is the best treatment for restoring the original beauty of your face. However, it’s a must that one should take the needed treatment only from experienced and expert dentists. Such dentists will have thorough knowledge as regards human dental problems and modern-day solutions for such snags.

Things to Consider Before Getting Dental Implants

• The presences of highly qualified and experienced professional dentists make the dental implants Springfield accurate and effective. You must opt for the services of a specialist dentist who is professionally qualified and practiced. You must not opt for greenhorn methods. The dental clinic must have all the required modern tools and machinery. The best practical way to evaluate the professional proficiency and behavior towards the clients is to peruse the reviews and recommendations given by the prevailing customers.

• You must consider the size and style of the implant. Remember, both subperiosteal and endosteal implants are popular among the general population. Hence, you must get clarification from the dentist as regards the option that you must choose. Though both are highly sought-after dental solutions, endosteal implants are more widely held. You can opt for small, mini types. It is also possible to get different types like the wide and standard ones. An experienced dentist will be able to advise you regarding this subject. It’s all the more significant that you must go for a specialist’s advice, though dental implants Springfield are widely accepted. This professional guidance from an experienced dental surgeon will make your dental implanting process easy and effective.

• Pricing is another significant point that you will have to consider. Of course, dental implanting is a super-specialty treatment method, which has cropped up in sync with technological advancement. However, you must not think that only by buying the over-priced packages you will get quality treatment. Though you must be prepared to pay the entailed price, this does not mean that the pricing must be too much. There are affordable dental implants Springfield clinics, and you can find such clinics by searching through the internet.

• You must understand that the dental implants Springfield entails multiple appointments. You will have to be present at the dentist’s office multiple times, and the appointments that you may need depends on the complexity of the dental implant.

• You must pay strict adherence to the advice provided by the dentist. This part is highly significant as there is a realistic recovery period for the implanted teeth to fuse with the related bone, and this process is Osseointegration. The period for this process will be approximately 3 to 6 months. During this period, the individual concerned must take great care and must follow the instructions from the dentist as it is. Remember, or else there will be further complications, and this will lead to added tricky situations. Top professional dentists who perform dental implantation will give strict instructions as regards the precautions one should take in concurrence with the dental implant.

That said, dental implants Springfield is rather unchallenging these days. Anyway, you must apply prudence while selecting a particular dental clinic or dentist and must consider some principal factors for the same. In practical terms, when you opt for a dental implant for your lost tooth, there will be a natural look, and it is this potential that tempts all to go for the dental implant.

How to Get Sun-Kissed Skin with Tanning Lotions During Summer

tanning lotions for tanning beds

Are you looking for that perfect, sun-kissed look this summer? That beautiful tan that will look great for the whole summer? While it may make sense to soak up the sun’s rays for that sun-kissed look, the best way to do it is to head indoors to a tanning bed with the help of tanning lotions for tanning beds.

It may seem counterintuitive to head indoors to get that sun-kissed look, but tanning beds are really the best way to get a consistent color that will last you the whole season. If you are looking for the perfect tan this summer, then tanning lotions for tanning beds are also important. Here is some essential information to help.

Why People are Choosing Tanning Beds Over Outdoor Tanning

Many people think that the easiest way to get the perfect tan is to tan outdoors. But we are learning that tanning beds can actually help you get the perfect look quicker and easier. One of the main reasons for this is that tanning beds let you control the UV light that hits your skin better than when you head outdoors. In reality, you can control the UV levels of the sun about as much as you can control the weather, meaning it is a bit of a gamble every time you tan outdoors. But tanning beds, combined with the right tanning lotions for tanning beds, let you control the UV much more, leaving you with a better, deeper tan.

The other big advantage of using tanning beds over the sun is speed. While outdoor tanning can take hours and risks overexposure, using tanning beds helps you get the color you want in a fraction of the amount of time. The actual time may vary, and it is something you can discuss with your local tanning salon. Indoor tanning is much faster than traditional outdoor tanning, especially when combined with quality tanning lotions for tanning beds. Plus, because you can get that rich, deep color faster, it means it will fade slower, leaving you with the color you like for much longer.

Of course, the tanning bed alone isn’t what gives you the color you want. Tanning lotions for tanning beds also play a key role in getting you that sun-kissed look. With the right combination of both, you can get the color and consistency you want this summer, and you can do it much faster and much more easily.

What’s Inside Tanning Lotions for Tanning Beds

Many people know don’t know that tanning lotion for the outdoors and tanning lotions for tanning beds are actually different in composition. This is because indoor tanning lotions are made knowing how much UV light the tanning beds produce, while outdoor tanning lotions cannot know this information. In general, tanning lotions contain three main ingredients: toner, moisturizer, and bronzer.

Toner helps your skin maintain its elasticity and smoothness. This is done by stimulating the surface of your skin and getting blood to run closer to the surface, helping it better take in the UV light of the tanning bed without getting damaged. Moisturizers help your skin stay hydrated during the tanning session, which is essential for keeping your skin healthy during the tanning. Finally, bronzers in tanning lotions for tanning beds actually add some color to your skin, helping you get that perfect color faster and easier.

Tips for Picking Tanning Lotions for Tanning Beds

There are a few factors that are key when choosing tanning lotions for tanning beds. First, there is your skin type. If you have drier skin, then you will likely need something that’s packed with plenty of moisturizers to maintain its softness and elasticity. You will also want to consider the color you want compared to your current skin color. If you are naturally lighter but want that sun-kissed look, then you will need to choose a lotion that has color-deepening bronzers, too.

If you want that perfect sun-kissed look for your skin this summer, then it’s time to head indoors. While traditional outdoor tanning can get you that look, it’s much faster and easier to head to a tanning salon armed with tanning lotions for tanning beds. Only indoor tanning gives you the control you need to get the perfect amount of UV to find that perfect look. Plus, indoor tanning can help you keep the tan for longer, giving you that look for the whole summer.

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis? Everything You Need to Know About Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Bacterial vaginosis, highly known by the name of BV, is a type of vaginal infection. It disturbs the required balance of bacteria in the vagina. Well, such infections don’t cause any other health problems but can cause issues in pregnant women. Let’s go through the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, which will help you to understand whether you are having BV or not.

Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis:

In fifty per cent of bacterial vaginosis cases, women don’t notice any kind of symptoms. But the common symptoms of BV are :

1. Burning sensation while feeling

2. Fishy smell, especially after intercourse

3. Itching

4. Discharge of white, grey or green colour

Don’t consider it similar to yeast infection. In yeast functions, you get a thick discharge, and it doesn’t have any odour.

When To See a Doctor For Bacterial Vaginosis?

The tricky thing is the symptoms of certain infections are similar, and you must know which infection you are going through to get proper treatment. So visit a doctor and know what you are going through and which type of treatment is required.

The doctor usually asks for below-depicted things:

1. Having vaginal discharge with a bad smell or have a fever

2. Multiple intimate partners or a new one. Because he might be having any sort of infection which resulted in BV in you.

3. Used any sort of treatment or Creams for Bacterial Vag and still having symptoms.

All such things help the doctor get a clear image of the infection and required treatment for the best results.

Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis:

The presence of lactobacillus bacteria keeps the vagina a bit acidic and prevents the growth of bad bacteria if the level of lactobacillus drops, then the number of bad bacteria increases and results in BV.

Risk Factors:

Any woman can go through Bacterial Vaginosis, but the chances increase, especially when you :

1. Smoke regularly

2. Are sexually active

3. Douche

Douching results in disturbing the natural balance of existing vaginal bacteria. Similarly, the scented soaps in addition to bubble baths can result in BV.

If you have a new partner and face such symptoms after having intercourse, he can be the reason behind it. It is unclear why having multiple partners or new ones results in n Bacterial Vaginosis in several cases. But the fact is female partner have more risk as compared to male ones. Also, anal sex can cause Bacterial Vaginosis. Apart from this, using public toilets, swimming pools can be a reason to cause Bacterial Vaginosis.

Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis:

The doctor usually asks for:

Medical history for better understanding

. Ask about your medical history

. Perform physical examination

. Do a pelvic examination

. Checks vaginal pH and acidity level

Additionally, takes a sample of vaginal discharge to examine the presence of bacteria, its type and associated infection.

Bacterial Vaginosis and Complications:

Bacterial vaginosis is linked with increased health problems, such as:

1. A bacterial infection, when having a hysterectomy or any other surgery over female organs while suffering from BV

2. A premature baby or low weight infant

3. A sexually transmitted disease such as herpes, and HIV to the partner

4. Less fertility success, especially in the case of in vitro fertilization (IVF)

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infection within the uterus, fallopian tubes, in addition to ovaries.

Bacterial Vaginosis Prevention

For lowering the chances of getting BV, consider the following steps:

l If you use sex toys, clean them after every use.

l Avoid douche.

l Get your tests done for sexually transmitted diseases and ensure the same for your partner.

l Limit your partners.

l Use condoms.

l Use water and mild soap for cleaning the genitals.

l Wipe front to back whenever you use the bathroom.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment:

People usually take Bacterial Vaginosis lightly. But you should never do that. The doctor prescribes certain antibiotics, including metronidazole, clindamycin, and tinidazole, to treat Bacterial Vaginosis. In addition, there can be oral tablets, creams for bacterial vag or any reliable gel to provide relaxation and healing of BV.

In maximum cases, the treatment is carried out for a week. So take your medication on time to get free from BV as soon as possible. IF you stop taking medicines before completing the course, you may have to face it again. So never leave a course in between.

As we know, Bacterial Vaginosis can easily spread through sex, so you should avoid having it while you are under treatment. Unless you stop noticing any kind of symptoms, try maintaining a distance. If you repeatedly see symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis, again and again, get long term treatment to get rid of it from the root.

Everything You Need to About Cord Blood Banking

One of the important decisions you may have to make after the birth of your baby is whether or not you should opt for cord blood banking. It is becoming a common after-birth procedure as a growing number of parents want to have biological insurance to safeguard the future of their child. By extracting and saving the stem cells from the baby’s umbilical cord in a stem cell bank, they can ensure that the child will be able to access them later, if needed, and use them in regenerative medical treatments to treat various medical conditions.

Information about cord blood banking

Here are the answers to the common questions people have about cord blood banking:

What is cord blood?

Cord blood is the blood extracted from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby. This blood is rich in stem cells that are similar to the stem cells obtained from the bone marrow of an adult donor, except these stem cells are younger and, therefore, more effective in regeneration. They are capable of transforming into blood cells, muscle cells, brain cells, and so on, and that makes them crucial in medical therapies for repairing damaged tissues and organs.

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking is the storage of cord blood stem cells for future use by donors, clinical researchers, and medical personnel. It involves freezing the cord blood stem cells using cryogenic freezing methods. With cryogenic freezing, it may be possible to preserve the cord blood stem cells in perpetuity.

What are the types of cord blood banks?

You can choose to store cord blood in a private or public cord blood bank for future use.

In the United States, compliance with FDA regulations is a must in both types of cord blood banking. To maintain their licensure, the banks must also adhere to strict procedures for collecting and screening code blood stem cells as well as for preserving and storing them. The two major differences between them are in what they charge for their services and the future access they allow to the donor.

Generally, public cord blood banks do not charge a fee for their services. However, when you store the cord blood stem cells with them, they will regard them as a donation. They will make this donation freely available to clinical researchers for research purposes and to compatible patients who might need it to avail of regenerative medical treatments. So, if in the future, your child needs cord blood stem cells to treat a health condition, they won’t be able to obtain those very same ones.

With private cord blood banking, on the other hand, you can reserve the cord blood stem cells for the exclusive use of your child or your family. The private bank will not allow anybody else any access to them. However, they will charge you an annual fee for their services and that can be on the expensive end.

What is involved in the collection and storage of cord blood?

Here are some of the steps involved in the collection and storage of cord blood:

• The cord blood is obtained from a newborn’s umbilical cord, which is a non-invasive and painless process.

• Prior to the collection, the medical personnel will screen the mother’s blood to make sure she does not have HIV, Hepatitis, or any other infectious diseases.

•  After collecting the cord blood, the medical personnel will process it to separate the stem cells from it.

•  They will use a cell counting machine to measure the number of nucleated stem cells.

•  They will carry out a CFU assay culture test to determine if the cells are capable of replicating.

•  They will screen the cells for possible bacterial or fungal contamination.

•  They will add a cryoprotectant to the collected stem cells to prevent them from bursting after they undergo the freezing procedure.

•  They will freeze the stem cells at a temperature of -196 degrees C using cryogenic freezing methods for safe and long-term preservation.

•  They will make the cord blood stem cells available exclusively to the donor or to other parties as needed. Public banks will conduct an HLA typing test to match donors with patients who require stem cell transplants.

Cord Blood Banking – Everything You Need to Know

Cord blood banking has gained popularity in recent times. With greater awareness about the benefits of cord blood and stem cells; more people are choosing to preserve their kids’ cord blood. Cord blood banking prices are seldom a deterrent for parents who wish to safeguard their kids from rare and deadly diseases. With new innovations, it is now easier to store the cord blood with banks offering varied plans to suit all budgets and requirements.

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing cord blood. It can often also include the collection and storage of cord tissue as well. In many parts of the world, it is often referred to as stem cell banking.

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the placenta and the umbilical cord post a delivery. It is rich in stem cells, which are cells with the ability to replicate into various types of blood cells. Cord tissue is the umbilical cord.

During delivery, the umbilical cord is infused with stem cells in preparation for the birth. It helps to strengthen the immunity of both the mother and the fetus. After delivery, there is no need for the umbilical cord and it was often thrown out as medical waste. But since the 1990s, greater awareness about cord blood and stem cells has made umbilical cord banking a buzzword.

The process of collecting cord blood is painless. It involves scientific processes.

The collection process –

The collection process actually begins way before birth. You will need to register with a cord blood banking company to begin the process.

 Start by researching into various cord blood banking companies operational in your area. Check their plans and compare different cord blood banking prices. Choose a company that best meets your cord blood banking requirements.

 Register with the company. You may find signup information on the companies’ websites. You may register online or in person. For inquiries, call the bank and schedule a consultation.

 Post the registration; you will receive information about the collection process. The bank will also provide you with a collection kit. You need to carry it to the hospital when you go there for the delivery. Hand it over to the nurse in charge or your doctor as they are aware of the cord blood collection process.

 When the umbilical cord is clamped and cut post the delivery, it still contains blood. The doctor or nurse will extract the blood from it. The amount of blood inside it will vary from child to child. The collection process doesn’t interfere with the delivery or harms the mother or the child in any way.

 The collected blood is placed inside the kit. Companies also collect the mother’s blood to test it for infectious diseases. It is done to ensure that the cord blood is safe from infections and is completely viable.

 The kit with the blood inside it is collected by a medical courier employed by the bank. It is quickly delivered to the bank, where the maternal blood is tested and the cord blood is processed. The stem cells are separated from the cord blood using advanced technology. The processing method can differ from bank to bank. Processing within 24 hours is most optimal. Some companies may take up to 48 hours too.

 The stem cells will be preserved with the help of the technology employed by the bank. The most advanced storage process involves cryopreservation with liquid nitrogen.

 Post the storage process, banks provide their clients with a report containing details such as the volume of the collected blood, cell count, cells’ viability, etc. The report also contains a unique number referring to the location of your child’s cord blood sample.

Cord blood banking prices –

It is best to choose a bank that offers tailored plans to suit varied needs. Also, look at other benefits to see if the price charged by the bank seems justified to you.

The banks charge a one-time collection and processing fee. After that; you will need to pay yearly charges for cord blood storage. The yearly storage fee can run into a couple of hundred dollars (more or less).

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist?

Raising happy and healthy kids is not easy. Choosing a pediatric dentist to take care of the health and beauty of your child’s smile is an important decision.

Such a dentist specializes in treating children. They are qualified to meet the dental needs of infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents, including those patients with special needs. A pediatric dentist has completed two to three years of specialty training beyond dental school.

It is important to start visiting a pediatric dentist from an early stage. That way your child will learn about healthy dental habits from a tender age. Also, your child’s first dental experience may shape how he or she will think about dentistry for the rest of their lives. 

Here are some more reasons why you should choose such  a dentist for your child:

Pediatric dentists are better prepared

Pediatric dentists are specifically trained to treat children’s developing teeth and potential issues with them. This can include cavities, tooth decay, gum problems, and crowding of the teeth.

Cavities and tooth decay are the most common childhood ailments. The pediatric dentist applies sealants and fluoride treatments to protect tooth enamel and minimize the risk of cavities. The pediatric dentist performs pulp therapy and treats oral trauma. If primary teeth are lost too soon, they provide space maintainers to ensure that teeth do not become misaligned.

 Examinations, X-rays and computer modeling allow pediatric dentists to predict any future oral problems that your child may have. They are also trained in child-related pharmacology and the safest form of general anesthesia. 

The best pediatric dentists have lots of experience and training in child psychology. So, they are better prepared to deal with fidgety, frightened, and often crying children who would rather be anywhere else than on the dental chair.

A good pediatric dentist and the staff at the dental clinic know how to get your child to relax. This not only makes dental procedures easy to perform but also makes subsequent visits to the dental clinic less stressful for both you and your child.

They use children-friendly equipment

A pediatric dentist generally uses equipment that isn’t as intimidating as what you will find in a general dentist’s office. The equipment is usually smaller and is specifically designed for a child’s mouth to create a different experience.

Often, lasers are used instead of drills. Many pediatric dental clinics use smaller chairs as well. These things make a huge difference to children.

They provide a children-friendly environment

The pediatric dental clinic will have an office environment that will make children feel comfortable. The walls will be painted bright and characters and shapes may be drawn on them. Some clinics even go so far as to have an indoor playground installed.

It is common for the waiting area in a pediatric dental clinic to have video games and comics for children to engage themselves while they wait for their appointment. Instead of news playing on the waiting room TV, there will be popular cartoons or children’s movies that will be shown.

All these distractions turn a potentially scary experience into a fun-filled experience for the child. Some pediatric dental clinics even offer small toys to children as gifts at the end of the appointment. All these things create a positive association with visiting a dentist. Instead of remembering the dental procedure, the child will remember all the fun activities that happened at the pediatric dentist’s clinic and will not be averse to visiting again.

Focuses on preventive care

Pediatric dentists focus on the prevention of oral issues since this is the best way to guarantee a lifetime of excellent dental health. The pediatric dentist will advise every child and parent on practical ways to develop good habits like regular brushing and flossing. Also, they convey complicated medical information in a way that can be easily understood by the child and his or her parent.


Teeth begin to erupt in babies when they are about six months old. From the time the first teeth emerge through their teen years, children should be taken to visit a pediatric dentist. These routine visits will ensure that the child grows up with healthy teeth and gums.

Five Tips When Looking for the Perfect Dentist

Proper dental care is not possible without visiting a good dentist from time to time. Even if you don’t have any dental issues; basic and preventive checkups are important on a regular basis. But to receive full benefits from your dental visits; you need to choose the right dentist.

Consider these five tips when you are looking for the perfect dentist.

1. Spend some time researching about dentists in your area

It can be a total waste of your time and money if you visit a dentist without knowing anything about his or her practice. So, spend some time in research, which may not really take too much of your time.

Online searches can help in this regard. Search with keywords like dentist near me open today to find names of clinics in your area. Visit their website to read about the dentists’ qualifications, experience, professional associations (board memberships), and licenses.

Note that it is very important to choose a dentist who is board-certified. So, look for their memberships with organizations such as the American Dental Association or Academy of General Dentistry. Board-certified dentists clear very stringent tests to obtain their memberships. They appear for such tests every few years. They also keep up with their education and continue to train in new dental treatments.

The qualification of the dentist must be as per your needs. For instance, if you are looking for a treatment such as dental implants, you will need to visit a cosmetic dentist. Not all general dentists offer cosmetic dentistry services. The same applies for emergency dentists.

2. Pay special attention to their service areas

Dentistry is quite a vast field. So, not every dentist may offer all types of dental services. It is, therefore, important to properly check the services available in a dental clinic.

Cosmetic dentistry includes treatments that improve your smiles such as teeth replacement and straightening procedures. In these categories too, there are several options. For the former, there are dentures, bridges, and implants. For the latter, there are braces, veneers (for slightly crooked teeth), and Invisalign (a new procedure). There are several teeth whitening procedures also available these days.

Not all dentists offer emergency services. So, it is important to find a dentist who offers these services and keep the clinic’s contact number handy.

3. Ensure that the clinic timings and locations are suitable for you

It should be convenient for you to visit your dentist even when it is not on short notice. The timings must also suit you as you may need to adjust your work schedule accordingly. Busy parents also need to schedule their appointments as per the routines of their kids.

So, check the addresses and the clinic timings when you visit a clinic’s website. It will help you find the right dentist as per your convenience.

4. Confirm that the payment system includes different options

You should be able to pay via different types of credit and debit cards. Some dentists also offer flexible payment options to their clients. It can be helpful for those who require the necessary treatments that cost a bit more. Easy payment systems can help them seek treatment in a timely manner without having to worry about how they will pay for it.

Of course, you will also need to check if a clinic is a partner of your insurance provider. Reputed clinics mention such information on their websites.

5. Check if the clinical setup is good

During your initial visit to the clinic, be mindful of the surroundings. Check that the clinic is clean and hygienic as per medical standards. Is the furniture in the waiting area comfortable? If you are visiting with your kids, the waiting area needs to be safe and comfortable for them. The elderly should also feel at ease when visiting the clinic.

Is the support staff courteous, friendly, and helpful? You will need to deal with them for appointments and emergencies. So, it is an important consideration when looking for the perfect dentist. It should also be easy to book appointments at the clinic.

Tips for Dental Care and Oral Hygiene

Proper dental care should begin at a young age. But anytime you begin to take proper care of your teeth and gums is better than continuing with no proper dental care routine at all. You can prevent minor and major oral health issues to a large extent with a good dental care routine.

Consider these tips for dental care and oral hygiene.

Choose a good dentist.

Yes, the foremost tip is to choose a qualified and licensed dentist in your local area. Lack of regular dental cleaning and checkups is a major reason for serious oral problems. Your dentist can also recommend the right products, brushing techniques, and treatments to keep your teeth shiny and the gums healthy.

Use keywords such as dental care McLean (or your own area) to find clinics in your town or city. Check the clinic websites to know more about the dentist and the treatments on offer. You can choose one based on your own and your family’s needs. Follow your dentist’s recommendations for yearly or bi-annual visits.

When faced with a chipped tooth, dental pain, or bleeding gums; don’t delay seeing your dentist. Immediate treatment can prevent tooth loss and help you avoid nasty infections.

If you suffer from diabetes, heart disease, or are undergoing cancer treatment then your dentist’s support can be invaluable. These conditions can impact oral health. Dental diseases, in turn, can impact your heart and health by transferring the germs to organs via blood.

Brush Well and Enough

If you don’t brush your teeth well and for at least two minutes; it is unlikely that they will be thoroughly clean. Your dentist is likely to tell you the proper way to brush. An up and down motion holding the brush at a 45-degree angle is often recommended by dental care experts. Your dentist may suggest the best technique depending on the state of your teeth and gums.

Your dentist can also offer suggestions for the right type of brush and toothpaste to use. If the recommendation for you is to use a toothpaste containing fluoride then use one. Fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay.

The brushing routine should end with giving the tongue a good scrape with the brush or a tongue-cleaner (if your dentist recommends one).

Floss and Rinse

Oral care is incomplete without flossing. Most people only floss when there is the need to remove food particles from between the teeth. But flossing can also remove tiny food particles that don’t really irritate but can harm your oral health. You will only notice them when you remove them from between the teeth by flossing.

It is also important to gargle well with plain water and mouthwash – separately. It is imperative to rinse the mouth properly with plain water after you eat or drink anything sweet or acidic and of course after every meal. You can also use mouthwashes to reduce acid buildup inside the mouth. Use it once or twice a day as needed.

Eat the Right Foods

Sugary foods and drinks are not right for good oral health. So, reduce their intake. Include crunchy vegetables in your meals. Hard foods such as raw vegetables help exercise the gums. They also don’t contain any harmful substances for your oral health.

Limit the intake of tea, coffee, and acidic fruit juices. These beverages can slowly strip your tooth of its enamel coating. Sugar also coverts into its acidic form inside the mouth; hence increasing the risk of cavities. Tobacco can also severely harm your teeth. Yellowing of teeth is a major issue in those who smoke a lot or consume tobacco in other forms. Smoking can also weaken the jawbone.

If you wear braces, dentures, or have bridges or crowns then eat hard food with caution. Follow your dentist’s recommendations about the right kinds of food for you.

Take Charge of Your Oral Health

Regular oral care can keep your teeth and gums healthy for sure. So, be mindful of not missing dental appointments. Ensure that you ask your dentist to explain the procedures well before opting for one. It will help you make an informed decision about your oral health.

Tooth Pain- Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Toothache is a common disease faced by all persons, and here, age is not at all a decisive factor. It can happen to anybody, from young kids to elderly and at any time sooner or later. Practically, this is the dent that happens to the enamel, which is the external covering of the tooth. The cause for this enamel damage is the formation of acids created as a result of the dissection of sugar by the plaque bacteria. Nevertheless, the intensity of the decay will be different; some of the minor problems will last only a little time. That said, when you don’t take the precautionary measures at the earliest, then that will lead to the formation of a hole in the related tooth. In the early days, the individual will experience a typical soreness, which he or she may neglect as a trifle thing, but will slowly develop into a small hole. In due course of time, the created hole will become full-size.

However, whenever you face any gum or tooth pain, it is practically sensible to get in touch with a dentist as early as possible. Let it be a minor or severe ache you must visit the dentist’s office, or else, the problem will worsen. Here, you must remember that only an experienced dentist can make a diagnosis regarding the cause of the pain and the subsequent treatment. So, make sure that the dental clinic that you step into has professional management, and the dental surgeons who work there are highly qualified and experienced. Remember, the expertise of the doctors’ matters a lot. Besides, the clinic must have all the modern facilities and equipment.

Preventions – Points to Consider

Brushing your teeth properly and frequently is the main thing that you will have to do. Two times daily is enough, in the morning just after you get up from your sleep and just before you go to sleep in the night.

• Use a quality toothbrush. While brushing, the brush must cover all the areas of your teeth. You must brush gently.

• Use a tongue cleaner. Remember, if you do not do tongue cleaning effectively, there will be an accumulation of bacteria, which will create a foul odor. Besides, this will be dangerous to your teeth also.

• Dental flossing is also significant as regards the healthy nature of teeth. This process will remove the food particles from the gap between teeth.

• Make it a point to visit a dentist once every six months, as it will give you a precise idea about your gum and teeth.

Dental Pain – Contact a Best Dental Surgeon

It’s possible to track down various dental clinics in Springfield, VA, and so you will be a bit bemused as regards the selection of a dentist for solving your tooth pain Springfield VA. It’s practically safe to get your dental treatments from a hospital that provides perfect solutions for various types of dental diseases. There are numerous modern dental treatments such as CAD/CAM – CEREC, Veneers, Cosmetic Restorations, Laser Therapy, General Dentistry, Preventive Care, Dentures, etc. The main advantage is that you will be able to get modern solutions as regards all tooth-related problems under one roof. Other main things that you must take into consideration while choosing a clinic for cracking dental pain Springfield VA is the qualification and expertise of the doctors and the pricing.

How to Contact?

Contacting a dental surgeon for putting an end to dental pain Springfield VA is easy. You can find a plethora of leading plumbing company websites by performing a short search through the internet. However, you must compare the experience, quality of service, customer support, pricing, etc., before selecting a company. When you enter the website of the leading dental clinics, generally, you will be able to see a contact form, and you can get in touch with the management by submitting this form. You are sure to get a call back very soon. Top dental clinics work from Monday to Friday, and the working hours will start at 8 am and end at 5 pm. Hence, it will be possible to get a perfect time for the doctor’s appointment that suits your convenience.