How Long Does Boric Acid Take to Cure BV?

Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis. As a home remedy and over-the-counter treatment, boric acid for BV is also in practice for over a hundred years.

Boric acid for BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) can be an irksome condition for women. It is often accompanied by smelly discharge, pain and burning sensation while urinating, and itching near the vaginal part. The condition arises due to the imbalance in the vaginal bacterial culture.

The practice of using boric acid for BV is not new. It has been a trusted home remedy to gain relief from persistent BV. However, boric acid is not the first line of defence. One should resort to the boric acid for BV treatment only after the completion of the regular antibiotic course.

Besides, boric acid is suggested only in recurrent cases where the infection seems to be persistent.

How to use boric acid for BV?

Boric acid is available over the counter in the form of gelatin capsules. The powder is stuffed in a gelatin capsule which must be inserted into the vagina.

One important note about using boric acid to find relief from BV is – it should never be taken orally. Boric acid can be dangerous when orally ingested. Also, remember to keep the capsules away from pets and kids.

How long does it take to find relief from BV with boric acid?

There is no conclusive time frame about the usage of boric acid for BV. Different studies reveal different results.

In one study, women who used boric acid along with antibiotics gained relief in 6 weeks. While in other, the time duration was 8 weeks.

Another test finds no much visible difference when boric acid was used for more than 3 weeks.

How to use boric acid for gaining relief from Bacterial vaginosis (BV)?

Complete the schedule of antibiotics that your doctor prescribed to you as a part of the BV treatment. Later you may add BV gelatin capsules to your routine.

You can obtain the BV capsules OTC or make them at home.

To prepare boric acid capsules at home:

Fill gelatin 00 size capsules with boric acid. Close the capsule and insert it in the vagina. Remember that the dosage of BV per day should not exceed 600 milligrams per day.

To make sure that the capsule is inserted properly into the vagina, follow the instructions given here:

• Clean your hands thoroughly and hold the capsule in one hand.

• Lie down back and bend your legs, and spread them apart.

• Slowly and gently insert the capsule into the vagina. Ensure it reaches the inner part of the vagina.

• Lie for some time to let the capsule discharge the medicine into the vagina completely.

• Most boric acid for BV kits come with an applicator to hold the capsule for insertion. You may use that or your hands as per your comfort.

Tips to remember while using Boric acid for BV:

• Never exceed the dosage of BV to gain immediate or faster relief.

• Never ingest BV in any form.

• BV can cause excessive discharge that can smell foul. Use panty liners or replace underwear frequently to avoid the inconvenience of a fishy smell.

• In general, BV capsules are safe for usage. In case of any rash, irritation, or abnormal discharge, stop the treatment and consult your doctor immediately.

• BV capsules can be toxic to the fetus, and hence pregnant women should not use them.

• Sometimes, the relief can be visible in two days. However, complete the course of BV to treat the infection fully and prevent the recurrence.

• Always purchase BV capsules and gelatin caps, and powder (if you want to make capsules at home) from quality pharmacies.

• Avoid sex or oral sex for up to 48 hours after inserting the BV capsule. Remember, boric acid can be lethal if consumed orally.

• Intake a diet rich in probiotics to nourish vaginal bacteria naturally. Consider incorporating yogurt more in the diet.


Boric acid is a proven relief from BV. It is a safe OTC medication for many women. Use the treatment as per the dosage and for the whole term. In case of any abnormal discharge, pain, or irritation after inserting BV capsules, discontinue the usage and seek medical aid immediately.